Student Affairs

About Student Affairs

十大网赌网站大全的学生事务处有很多工作人员, departments, 提供支持性环境的项目和服务,促进所有学生的个人发展和学习. 学生事务工作人员与教职员工合作, students and families, to serve as a resource and guide.

Student Grievance

The purpose of the Hocking College Student Grievance Procedure 是为学生提供内部行政覆核的制度, 以公平公正地解决包括学术事务在内的问题为目标, student affairs, business operations, and disabilities. 学生申诉程序是为那些认为自己在任何大学问题上受到不公平对待的学生设计的。, denial of due process rights, discrimination/discriminatory treatment, and/or any action by College employees, 对学生的学习经历造成不公平和不利影响的学生或第三方. Throughout this process, 各方的立场将得到公平公正的评价. 将采取步骤防止再次发生歧视, harassment, 或其他与书院宗旨不符的行为.

Non-Discrimination Policy

十大网赌网站大全致力于不分性别提供平等的教育和就业机会, marital or parental status, race, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 禁止在任何以拨款方式接受联邦援助的教育项目或活动中存在性别歧视, contract, or loan. 1964年《十大网赌网站大全》第四章在禁止就业歧视方面与此类似 基于种族、性别、宗教、肤色或国籍.


Equal educational opportunity includes: admissions, recruitment, extra-curricular programs and assistance, employment, health and insurance services and athletics. 有关遵守任何这些联邦法规的查询可直接向教育部提出, 联邦合同合规办公室或平等就业机会委员会.

Title IX Information and Resources

第九条是学生性行为不端的资源, faculty, staff, 以及来自十大网赌网站大全社区的访客. 1972年的教育修正案第九条规定:“在美国,任何人不得, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育计划或活动中受到歧视."

Hocking College is committed to providing a learning, 促进个人诚信的工作和生活环境, 在一个没有不当性行为和歧视的环境中,文明和相互尊重. 性别歧视侵犯了个人的基本权利和人格尊严. 十大网赌网站大全认为任何形式的性别歧视都是严重的犯罪行为. 本资料涉及所有形式的性别歧视, including: sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence by employees, students, or third parties. (Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688)

Click Here to See All Title IX Resources

Resource Contacts

Title IX Coordinator
Hannah Guada
John Light Hall 198

Hocking College Campus Safety and Police

Nelsonville Police Department
211 Lake Hope Drive
Nelsonville, OH 45764

Athens County Sheriff's Department
13 W Washington St #100
Athens, OH 45701


Residence Life and Staff

Academic Success Center
1st Floor Davidson Hall


Athens County Prosecutor / Victim Assistance
Keller Blackburn, Prosecutor
Alli Purcell, Victim Advocate
1 S. Court St., Athens, OH 45701


Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program
24 hour Crisis Hotline  740.591.4266

Hopewell Heath Center
Weekday and Weekend Hours

Behavioral Intervention

霍金行为干预小组(HBIT)是一组工作人员和教师,他们评估尼尔森维尔的风险情况, 洛根和佩里校区,并制定行动计划,以解决这种情况. HBIT是一个由居住生活组成的多学科团队, Counseling Center, Judicial Affairs, Campus Safety, Faculty and other applicable parties. 该小组每月开会讨论学生行为事件并进行评估, 干预和监察任何向HBIT提交的问题 Student Incident Reporting system.

Incidents may include the following:

    •      Suicide attempts or expression of suicidal thoughts or feelings
    •      威胁要伤害其他学生、教职员或社区的学生 
      • Relationship violence situation
      • Students with weapons on campus
      • Disruptive behavior in classroom
      • Aggressive students
    •     含有暴力或威胁内容的项目或论文
    •     Serious student drug and alcohol related behaviors





Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct

十大网赌网站大全学生行为办公室是十大网赌网站大全社区所有成员的资源中心,以确保维护社区标准并教育学生, 教职员了解社会责任在教育过程中的重要性和作用. 此任务的交付通过管理完成 Student Code of Conduct. 学院希望所有学生遵守本文件中提出的期望,并相互负责,以确保他们的健康, learning-centered environment.

Click here to submit your official Judicial Appeal

  The Rights of the Accused        Student Code of Conduct



申诉专员的任务是协助学生解决问题,以支持保留和促进整个校园社区的尊重. The Office of the Ombudsman provides a safe, comfortable, 为学生提供一个保密的环境,在正式渠道之外讨论他们的担忧或投诉. 监察员不能强加解决办法,而是确定解决办法的备选办法和战略.

Before contacting the Ombudsman, 学生应尝试在部门或服务中心解决他们的问题. 如果通过这些渠道未能取得令人满意的解决办法, 学生应填写“ Ombudsman Assistance Request form.

Submit a request


Contact Student Affairs

Have additional questions, comments, or concerns? Contact Student Affairs today!

通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. That's why we're here to help every step of the way.
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